OSF.io and Protocols.io introductory course
View the Project on GitHub IPSP-CNR-Bioinformatics/2018-11-22_Course
November 22nd, 2018
Simona Abbà - Marco Chiapello
Location: IPSP-CNR - Aula Lovisolo (second floor)
10-10:10 Brief introduction about I-BiG
10:10-10:30: General introduction on Open Research Data and Open Science
10:30-11:30: OSF
11:30-12: Protocols
Extra-time: Q&A
The OSF is a free web app that supports project management and collaboration, connects services across the research lifecycle, and archives data, materials, and other research objects for private use or public sharing. The Center for Open Science launched new features for the OSF to provide a more efficient user experience within the institutional environment. Through collaboration with institutions, COS is offering a branded, dedicated landing page to display all projects and users affiliated with your institution.
The protocols are dynamic and interactive on the platform. They are not just static PDFs but are “runnable” on the web and mobile (both iOS and Android), with the ability to follow a method step-by-step during an experiment, helping to perform the technique and to easily record all changes in the process. Even more importantly, all these methods can be discussed and improved on protocols.io, long after publication.
Computer equipment
All of the software required for this workshop are online. You only need a web browser.
Participants should bring their laptops.
Pre-registation on OSF.io and protocols.io is recommended.
Questions and interaction
We will use Etherpad for chatting, taking notes, and sharing URLs.
You have to create an account on OSF and Protocols:
Final survey
Please at the end of the course click on the following link: survey
Or scan the QR-code: